영종대교About Yeongjong Bridge

- 인천광역시 서구 경서동(장도)~중구 운북동(영종도)
- Inchon City, Seo-Ku, Kyong Seo-Dong
(Jang Do)~Chung-Ku, Woon Puk-Dong
(Yongjong Do)
공사기간(Construction Priod)
- 95.11~2000.11(60개월/60month)
공사비(Construction Cost)
- 약 8,130억원
- Approx. 813,000,000,000Won
설계기준(Design Specifications)
- 설계속도:도로100Km/hr, 철도110Km/hr
- 설계하중:도로 DB-24, 철도 Q25
- 항로조건:폭 200m, 높이 35m
- 기본풍속:40m/sec
- 설계진도:0.14G
- Design Speed:Highway 100Km/hr ,Railroad 110Km/hr
- Design Load:Highway Load DB-24,Rail Load Q25
- Sea Lane Specifications:Width 200m, Vertical Clearance 35m
- Average Wind Velocity:40m/sec
- Design Seismic Intensity:0.14G
- 현수교(Suspension Bridge):125+300+125=550m
- 트러스교(Truss):6×(3@125)=2,250m
- 강상형교(Steel Box Girder Bridge)
- 영종도측(Yongjong Side):1,140m
- 인천측(Inchon Side):480m
- 교각:49기(교대2기 포함)/49Piers(including 2 abutments)
주요자재(Main Materals)
- 콘크리트(Concrete):약 346,000㎥
- 철근(Reinforcements):약 42,500Ton
- 강재(Steel):약 149,000Ton
- 케이블(Cable):약 1,324Ton
현수교(Suspension Bridge)
- 상부구조:2층 Warren트러스(도로+철도병용)
- 주탑:다이아몬드식 강구조
- 하부구조:주탑부-뉴매틱케이슨,단부-현장타설말뚝(Ø1,500mm)
(단부가물막이 공법:강관 Sheet Pile)
- 주케이블:용융 아연 도금 평행 강선 케이블(A/S공법)
1 cable=14strands=6,720wires(480wires=1 strand)
- 행거:84mm CFRC(Center Fit Rope Core)
- Superstructure:Double Deck Warren Truss (Roadway and Railway)
- Main Tower:Diamond Shaped
- Susbstructure
Main Towers : Pneumatic Caissons
End Piers : Cast-in-place pile(Ø1,500mm)
(Temporary Cofferdam for End Piers:Steel Pipe Sheet pile)
- Cable:Galvanized parallel wire cable (A/S system)
1 cable=14 strands=6,720wires (480 wires=1 strand)
- Hanger Rope:84mm CFRC (Center Fit Rope Core)
트러스교(Truss Bridge)
- 상부구조:2층 WARREN 트러스(도로+철도병용)
- 하부구조:현장타설말뚝(Ø1,500mm)
(가물막이 공법:강관 Sheet Pile)
- Superstructure:Double Deck Warren Truss(Roadway and Railway)
- Substructure:Cast-in-place pile (Ø1,500mm)
(Temporary Cofferdam:Steel Pipe Sheet Pile)
강합성교(Steel Box Girder Bridge)
- 상부구조:강상형
- 하부구조:현장타설말뚝(Ø1,000mm)
- Superstructure:Steel Box Girder
- Substructure:Cast-in-place pile


철근(톤) |
콘크리트(㎡) |
강교(톤) |
주탑(톤) |
케이블(톤) |
계 |
14,426 |
295,881 |
143,852 |
4,992 |
1,315 |
현수교(550m) |
3,813 |
66,151 |
21,586 |
4,992 |
1,315 |
트러스교(2,250m) |
5,046 |
138,935 |
92,016 |
- |
- |
강합성교(1,620m) |
5,564 |
90,975 |
30,250 |
- |
- |